Tuesday, April 21, 2009


i want to cry... for the twelve people that died in a sudden fire at a factory, for their families that will know that from now on their place will be empty, for their children that will be seeking for their lap to fall asleep upon and find that it will never be there

i want to cry... for good men and women who do good in this world, and are so often mistreated, not reckoned, abandoned, judged, misled, lied to....

i want to cry... for a nation that has been through so much and yet still has so much that lies ahead, that has seen and believed miracles to only see it destroyed by greed and mistrust and egos and more greed

i want to cry... for the earth that is struggling to breath, to comprehend how those that was supposed to be keepers can so easily turn their backs on what will be happening a decade from now or a year or a month

but mostly i want to cry... as yet, Your Kingdom has not come, Your will is mostly not done... i want to cry and mostly sometimes i just want to die... what a disappointment we've become....