Sunday, April 16, 2006

You are free!

God's grace is free! On this amazing day, the day where we celebrate our Lord and Saviour and Lover and Friend, Jesus, rising from the dead, overcoming the last vestage of evil in our lives, overpowering the powers of darkness, breaking the power of satan in our lives forever, the message is clear. You are free!

Not just free from the penalty of death and eternal condemnation, not just free to come into the presence of God (what amazing grace), but free also from all the guilt of not being good enough, not praying hard enough, not being spiritual enough.

Yes God comes to where you are! Jesus look for Peter while he is fishing, Jesus appears to Mary while she is mourning, Jesus calls to Thomas while he is doubting.

Someone said to me today: "It's not about how good or bad you are, it's about God being good!". As we sometimes strive (or not), to be better, deeper, stronger, more in control, less doubting, holier, cleaner, superior? God says: "Enough. In Jesus you are enough."

And in a society where we have to earn everything, prove our self-worth, pretend we're someone we're not, God says: "I see you, washed clean through the blood of my beloved Son. The price He paid has set you free!"

“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die." —John 11:25-26

God bless you on this day, the most important celebration in our Christian lives! May Easter remind you of His great love. And His words: "It is done!"

1 comment:

IsabellaM said...

Hope to see you visit again...